Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Tales From the Guild 2 Theme

As you may have heard, we’re kicking off the second guild anthology soon! I’m still waiting for a few details to be decided before posting something official, so keep your eyes peeled for when that comes. In the meantime, let’s discuss theme!

For the theme, I’d like to hear members’ thoughts and ideas, but first, a proposal of my own idea for this and possibly future anthologies to come. I’d like this anthology to be something that both fur and non-fur can enjoy as well as something that represents our guild. I also want something a little more than ‘generic yearly theme’ as we already have that in Roar, Fang, and other anthologies.

My proposal is for something a bit more fur-centered where species and anthros mean more to the story, as well a theme that could be cycled with a few tweaks. For example, the first could focus on anthropomorphic stories in different locations around the world – Furs around the World – just with a better title like Tales from the Guild: World Tour. Continuing could be such themes as “Furs across Time”, “Furs on the Job”, “Furs and the Family”, and so forth. I like this line of themes as I feel it creates stories where the animals/anthros are required to play a part, it causes restraint which breeds creativity, it represents what our genre is about, and it can be something that we could present outside our own market.

So those are my thoughts. I’m proposing not just a theme for this year, but for the guild anthologies to come. What do you think? Do you like this idea? Do you have an idea for a theme? Please comment below or email me personally (tigroxtales [at] gmail.com). At some point we’ll most likely move to a vote for the members of the guild as to what direction to take, but I’d like to hear some discussion first.

I think that World Tour is a great and challenging way to examine anthropomorphics, as a theme, requiring a focus that’s both regional and hopefully characteristic for each story.

I’m eternally promoting anthropomorphism’s dichotomy with atavism. I’d like to see an anthro anthology theme along the lines of “The Beast Inside”, where anthropomorphic characters have to struggle against their base natures, and are not always successful.

It’s a little more niche, but I’ve been agitating for a while to see folks explore a broader range of genres through anthropomorphic characters. For example, I think we really need a medical mystery/drama. A tale of rabies outbreak would exceed in horror any Romero zombie-fest. Journeys of exploration, migration, and discovery have fallen off the radar for a long time, but many animals migrate vast distances, and we could be telling their tales.

Steampunk/cyberpunk/dieselpunk? Or is that still too broad to apply to furry?

I like the ‘Furries Doing Things’ idea very much!

Which idea?

Good point. Updated my post :slight_smile:

I dunno … reminds me quite a lot of the Berenstain Bears. >_>

– Furs around the World – just with a better title like Tales from the Guild: World Tour. Continuing could be such themes as “Furs across Time”, “Furs on the Job”, “Furs and the Family”, and so forth.

I love the idea of themes that are open like this but still tie each year’s antho together.

I agree with this statement.

Perhaps one for furries through time - each story set in a different time period. A selection of time periods could be listed as they are “claimed” to ensure each is unique. It would be easy to mod on a forum thread dedicated to the collection in the initial post.

I like the “Around the World” theme. Not only can different anthro cultures be explored, but country-specific cultures as well. I also like the continuing themes Ocean mentioned.

In relation to the previous anthology, I liked the continuation of themes being different forms of artistic pursuits. From music, you could go to food, dance, drawing, etc.

I had an idea early on called “Tool Users.” Blue collar furs fixing things on two levels, the physical and emotional, and maybe not all that successful on both sides. Save the day and let the world save it itself.

Sorta the opposite theme of music last year, because music an art that proceeds from a craft. Where craft doesn’t need to be an art (and where trying to be artsy might ruin things.

I hope that I didn’t kill the thread!
But if we go World Tour… I call dibs on Brooklyn. :wink:

I agree. The big thing I’ve always taken away from the title ‘Tales From the Guild’ is that this isn’t just another furry anthology, it’s a another furry anthology with stories by the best. The anthology already sets a high bar for itself since it only accepts submissions by those recognize as full Guild members. (Unlike me, but someday :-X) So it’s only right to push the best to give their best to present the best. Plus, we should try pushing into new territory. It doesn’t take much to see there is a lot of talent here that people will brush aside cause ‘who can take a fluffy animal seriously’? We do.

And if we are pitching themes, Furry Medicine… Dr. Furry… (Title pending). A look into the drama, horror, comedy, and tragedy of anthro animals who get sick trying to get better. From something as dramatic as an ER episode to comedic to (Add sitcom where they visit a hospital here) Well, those are my two cents anyway. I say go for it. Nothing wrong with pushing yourself to the limit.

That actually wasn’t the case for the first anthology – it was an open call – and I believe this next anthology will be open to anyone as well. :slight_smile:

I’d be interested in seeing who could create the best Dr. McYiffy or Dr Dog House … not sure if I’d write a good medical story… or one with the medical angle tightly nailed down. I don’t know any doctors that would… um… VET my story.

I worry that an “Around the World” anthology of short stories as written by a mostly North American writer base for a mostly North American audience would rapidly degenerate into “representative species from around the world performing culturally Western normative behaviors in recognizable capital cities of foreign countries” because you can’t fit the requisite worldbuilding to prevent stereotyping in that kind of space, and even if you could, you wouldn’t be writing it for an audience who would necessarily understand it.

As far as topics go, “the beast within” has a lot of potential, Bahumat, but again my concern is that a lot of people will go for the werewolf move and miss out on the finer points of “species ticks that we don’t always suppress even though we’re living in a modern era when people are past all those silly instincts.” I think this would be an awesome topic, but it would take an editor willing to dual-wield a rolled-up newspaper and a squirt bottle with ammonia-water.

If you want a slightly different take on things, one idea could be “a dozen different origin stories on how furries came to be.” Not stories containing furries, per se, but stories about the evolution of furries. “They evolved naturally.” “They were magically grown as servant races.” “They were bred for war.” “They were made to outlive humanity dying of a plague.” “They’re digital playthings made manifest in a Singularitarian accident.” “People turned themselves into animals, and then biohacked pure-breeding with a retrovirus.” A dozen takes on the concept of furries, with perhaps just enough story to explore why people might find the notion of anthropomorphic animals powerful and appealing.

From an objective position, I would second buni’s origin idea, simply because there are so many different ways of telling the story and most of us probably have an internal belief of how furries came to be in our world. I also think that could be a good way of reaching an audience as it is a simple enough idea to sell to a reader without compromising on the diversity.

My own theme suggestion was kind of along the lines of some abstract concept. Something like “fight or flight” or something that evokes a reaction that can go anywhere.

I used to belong to a lot of mailing lists for writers and one of the recurring events would be story swaps. Sometimes for Xmas gift giving and sometimes for contests… so… maybe instead of a theme, we could do a challenge?

I miss those!

Anyway… http://www.anthroaquatic.com/forum/index.php?board=13.0 we’ve got a load of prompts here.

Why waste them?

I’m going to be making another thread for votes so before I do, is this a fair summary of the themes people have been interested in:

  • Furs around the world - Stories about furries all over the world
  • Furs at Work - Stories about how the workplace changes by species
  • Furs in Time - “What if’s” of history when furs are involved
  • Furry origins - Evolved, magically created, bred for war: furry origin stories
  • The Beast Within - Species issues within a modern world

Let me know if I’ve missed anything, otherwise I’ll create a voting thread and leave this thread for discussion