Furry Writers' Guild Forum


Seeing as a LARGE portion of us seem to use Skype, I figured we needed an official thread for exchanging our contact details. I think a lot of us already have each other added, but eh, might as well.

Mine is: nightmareoctopus

Edit: Yeah a good general consensus would be make sure you actually say who you are, some of us don’t have names that match our screen names here. :stuck_out_tongue:

For what it’s worth, my Skype is Marked946.

Drop me a line if you want a beta read/critique or just to chat.



I’m not on all that often (usually only when I have a meeting with a client), but feel free to hit me up when I am actually on.

Feel free to add me at jfrcoates if anyone wants to chat. Just let me know you come from here :slight_smile:


Also, ThornAppleCider, but that’s an older name I’m unlikely to use.

hauke.basilisk but I have to be near my iPad for it to work…no microphone, no camera on the PC. :>

Tigrox Skype: darkocean99
Just actually tell me who you are when you send an invite

Huskyteer - also hardly ever on, though!

I’m skyping with: Slip-Wolf

stevekearns@hotmail.co.uk - I’m on there randomly, depending on work commitments.

You can find me as jm@furrynet.com

If I’m online, I’m interruptable so come and say hello.

I don’t use skype much at all these days since my phone seems to hate it, but if you still want to add me for those rare times I stumble into it, I’m Nitetigrezz.

I’m currently on Twitter a lot more @MunchsizedRants if you ever want to chat :3

Well, if anyone’s interested. I’m on constantly but may not always respond. systmaticwzl

I’ve had a skype account for many years, but I’ve only been using it frequently. My account is just NightEyes.

Mine is ractuswrites(at)gmail.com. Just remember to put your handle in the invitation so I know who you are. :smiley:

My Skype name is ash.bannerman (pretty self explanatory). Don’t be afraid to add me on there; just remember to add your handle so I know who you are (even if I don’t necessarily know you you are).

fluffybunny2@hotmail.com - lordbahumat – Or try bahumat@gmail.com that might work now too!

(The email address is an old spampot email, don’t email me there, I’ll likely never see it.)

You can find me on Skype as, like anywhere else, cecildfritz!

I’m most often on Skype, however, if you want to get hold of me, send me a private message and I’ll send you the handle.