Okay, so I didn’t want to go back to this thread until I had some answers. We met up with Bliz and Sterling yesterday, but because we were hanging out as friends, I didn’t want to push the convention thing too hard because goodness knows they get that enough when they’re not around friends >.> I did get some interesting information though.
The FWG Meet and Greet was NOT something RF has always done. Last year was the first time, from what I’ve been informed, and it went really well. The suite we’ll be getting for the writing track this year can’t have panels held in it, but we can still do the Meet and Greet. The FWG Meet and Greet will be on the schedule, and there’ll even be a small advertisement in the RF conbook for it. The suite hasn’t been scheduled for it yet, but they are taking PT’s request into consideration and pushing for it to be Friday. And yes, it will be a dry event, so no alcohol. Food and refreshment donations are welcome though since we don’t have a budget for it.
Also, just to clear the air based on what a couple of others have said: though PT is the president of the FWG, and is the writing track’s GoH, that does not mean the FWG is the GoH. PT has had plenty of other accomplishments beyond being president here that had earned her the GoH spot (I still have a few of her books in queu to read X3). Yes, this is a great time for FWG to put its best foot forward, but PT is the one being honored at RF, not the FWG.
I believe that’s everything. If you still have any questions, feel free to let me know, but understand that I don’t speak with the guys every single day. I will bring it up with them when I’m able, though.