Kits managed to talk the head of the writing track into doing a sort of networking meet-and-greet for the FWG during one of the evenings of RF. It’ll be great to have something for the folks who aren’t early birds and, therefore, can’t make the coffee meets, not to mention that it’ll be more of an adult atmosphere since it’ll be held after hours. It’ll also be our chance to recruit more folks into the fold in a fun, relaxed atmosphere without turning things into a giant infomercial. There’s just one problem.
There’s no budget for food or drinks. I’ll be contacting PT after writing this to see if the guild can donate anything to the cause, but I’d rather we save the guild’s funds for other things. So will anyone be willing to donate any food, alcohol, or funds into this event? Spirit and I will be bringing his infamous Party Punch, but the main ingrediant is Vodka, which not everyone can drink. So, any takers?