The idea for a free webzine-type publication was brought up in the shoutbox today. As I’m not really into digital everything, my mind immediately went to this, and I figure I’ll share my thoughts to see if anyone else has some other ideas.
What I’m proposing:
It would be cool for the guild to produce a quarterly magazine to be handed out at cons (potentially by some of the publishers) for free. I’m talking about a booklet, maybe twenty pages total (ten 11x17 pages folded and saddle-stitched), with short fiction from guild members and some small advertisements. The stories would be no more than 2,500 words. This could be great for some of the guild members to get their work more known (this falls into the editor discussion currently going on that several authors have their free work more known than their published worked, simply because it’s free).
Some pros:
- It would be free, so a lot more exposure for authors
- Booklets of this nature can be picked up and read, and are fairly low cost to produce
- It could also be done in an e-format without much difficulty
- Ads could help promote new books/projects or, well, anything else
- I, personally, could make all of this
- Looking for guild member perks? This could be HUGE
Some cons:
- The ad space would not be free, because hopefully the amount made from the ads would offset the cost of printing
- Physical books would have to be sent out. Still fairly low cost if done in decent-sized batches
- Possibly more cons that others will, I’m sure, bring up
Let me know your thoughts.