With the first of the month falling during my post-RF recovery, forgot to post this. >_<
Quarterly treasury report, as of 10/1/2015
Previous balance: $97.08
Donation (7/23/2015): $10.00
Donation (8/20/2015): $10.00
Donation (8/29/2015): $95.34
Payment to Mary Lowd for reimbursement of Coyotl Award expenses (10/1/2015): - $77.00
Current balance: $135.42
The Coyotl expenses break down as follows:
$4.96 printing certificates
$48.00 plushies
$16.40 printable fabric (with leftover fabric to be kept for future years’ use)
$4.53 postage/envelope for sending Best Short Story award to Ursula Vernon
Total: $73.89
The amount paid to Mary Lowd was rounded up to $77 in order to cover PayPal fees, so that she would be reimbursed the full amount she had to pay.
Many thanks to all of our donors! In particular, that large donation there was one of our members donating an entire story payment to the guild, which is both somewhat humbling for me as president and also very much appreciated. That said, the small donations are appreciated, too. Every little bit makes a difference and helps keep us going.