And here’s the treasury report for the last quarter (January through March 2019). Yes, just one entry this time.
[td]| Date[/td]
[td]| Description[/td]
[td]| Income[/td]
[td]| Expense[/td]
[td]| Balance[/td]
[td]| Notes[/td]
[td]| 2019-03-17[/td]
[td]| Payment from Argyll for 12? copies TftG2[/td]
[td]| $35.29[/td]
[td]| [/td]
[td]| $211.32[/td]
[td]| $36.65 - $1.36 PayPal fee[/td]
Argyll didn’t specify the number of copies of TftG2 sold, but 12 is a reasonable guess based on the amount. This means that to date, the book has sold around 44 copies and made $127.71, meaning we need to make another $82.29 to break even. That’s about 28 copies.
The FWG treasury balance stands at $211.32 at the end of May. Our domain registration fee is coming up in April, which I intend to cover (it’ll be shown on next quarter’s cashbook as a payment followed by a matching donation).