Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Claw the Way to Victory: Anthropomorphics in Sports

Dunno if its because of the NFL season going on, but I’ve written two furry/sports shorts as of late, one inspired by the FBA http://www.sofurry.com/view/748017

I wonder: would the Calaveras Country Frog Jumping Contest count? :smiley:



Sorry for the spaz moment >.> I used to go to school in that county. Schools were closed that Thursday and Friday because there were so many kids showing animals in the FFA that it seemed illogical to even bother. Never really watched the actual jumping frogs, but if you want any first-hand info on the area, the schools, and the fair in general, please please please don’t hesitate to pm me!

Btw, Calaveras High was actually the Redskins (lots and lots of pride there). Bret Harte was the Frogs (Bret Fart) and were our official rivals, though we creamed them in every sport every year. Then there were the Amador High Buffaloes (Amadorks, though in sports they were our real rivals), and the Argonaut High Mustangs (Argosnot) provided very little competition for Amador (and Calaveras xp).

The memories Duke, the memories o.o

Now can anyone think of a good species for bog snorkling?

Oh crud. I meant to pop in and mutter ideas. I actually wish I knew more about surfing. I’m not sure where a story would go here, but it might be interesting.

I know this is traditionally Ryffnah’s wheelhouse, but: otters. Maybe beavers if you want to break the mold.

Also depends on how different you want to be. Seals and walruses would be nice, but then how would they function on land? Would the story even take place topside, or is there an underwater deal going on? What about a surfing dog who’s the underdog, so to speak?

Just depends on what direction you want to go :3

Bumping with the title. May tweak it a bit, but for now, I like it.

Ahaha, I like it!

Bwahahahaha! Glad you went this direction!

The title is ridiculously cute. I approve. :smiley:

Boxing. Definitely doing boxing. I’ve had a furry boxing story gestating for a few years in my head. Awesome. :smiley:

Sounds great =D

Hm, and if the anthology will stand multiple submissions, I’ve got one for Rodeo too.

Ha, I just popped on to say “anyone thought of boxing kangaroos?”

I am planning to do a baseball story. Well, I’ve gone and written one, but it may be too short…

I’m thinking of possibly figure skating.

Really surprised there hasn’t been any MMA suggested. (though I didn’t read through the whole thread)

I’ll release my current ‘dibs’ on Rodeo (though I’ll probably write that anyway in case one of my two get rejected). If someone else wants it, jump it. Edit (01/16/15): Disregard this, the Badminton story was stillborn. Keeping Rodeo.

In the meanwhile, on top of my stake on Boxing, I’m putting one down for Badminton Rodeo.

This is quite a timely theme for me! I’ve been milling over this neat idea for a short story, but first, I just need to be sure of something: the concept I had in mind involves humans meeting alien life for the first time. Since the ETs in question will be sort of raptor-like in appearance, would that qualify them as anthropomorphic?


Alright. Thanks! :smiley: