Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Camp NaNoWriMo

Okay, Marked, invite is sent.

Leafblade, holding a spot for you, just want to confirm your username before I send the invite.

CopperGryfon, also holding a spot for you, but I can’t send the invite until you create your novel on the site.

That leaves us with 3 slots remaining.

Same username; Leafblade. I also realize, how the heck do I go about getting a good cover?

Okay. You’ll need to go ahead and create your novel before I can send you an invite. (I believe you can go back and edit it later if anything changes.)

As far as a cover, check the NaNoWriMo forums (listed under Community in the header on the Camp site). Sometimes there are people there designing covers for free. I admit I’ve never bothered to do a cover for any of my NaNo stuff. shrug

The cover page isn’t required for your novel, I think they just want a title and a word count for the month

Alright, novel settings are all made.

Ditto, all set up. Here’s hopin. :smiley:

Just reposting this info so people don’t have to go back through previous pages –

One bunk left in the cabin! The cabin is now full! See posts below to find out if there’s another cabin being started. If you don’t know what Camp NaNoWriMo is, head here. If you want to join our cabin for the July session, here are the instructions:

  1. Set up your profile on http://www.campnanowrimo.org. (You have to sign in to the Camp website, not the regular November NaNo one, but you can sign in with the same username.)
  2. Create your novel. I can’t send you an invite unless you’ve entered your novel info on the site. (I believe it’s all capable of being changed later.)
  3. In your Cabin Settings, make sure “I don’t want cabin invitations this session” is NOT checked. (It should be unchecked by default, I think.)
  4. Post your username here so I can send you an invitation to the cabin.

Current cabin list…

  1. Poetigress
  2. Oceanskye (Ocean)
  3. Huskyteer
  4. EdSandy
  5. Mazel (Ryffnah)
  6. Slip Wolf
  7. Sheerluck (Marked)
  8. CopperGryfon
  9. Leafblade
  10. TheCursedEmpire (from Twitter)
  11. Voicespider
  12. NightEyes DaySpring

With such a wonderful mix of people in the cabin, I can’t resist.


Okay, cabin is now full! If anyone wants to start a second cabin, just let me know and I’ll publicize it on Twitter, etc.

That was pretty much my theory behind joining.

Best cabinmates ^^

I’m feeling just a bit giddy, this seems like it will be fun.

I’m just happy nobody wanted that last slot.

I’m starting to get stupidly psyched for this.


3 DAYS!!!

Congrats to everybody who participated (whether you “won” or not)!

As for the FWG cabin, fully half of us met our goal for the month, and according to our cabin stats, our cabin wrote an impressive total of 240,238 words!

I sadly did not win, but I got a lot done, which helped me get some stuff out the door.
I have to say that this was an amazing experience and I look forward to November!
Congrats to everyone!!

Thanks to all my cabinmates for the encouragement and fun! Writing can be quite solitary, so it’s lovely to know there are others writing alongside you.

I second all of that! I didn’t win but I got over the hump of the last half of Book 3 and it’s all downhill from here. A very worthwhile experience! :smiley: