Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Ask away

Let’s revive this thread!

Is there a place you want to live in the future? What about that place interests you, and what about where you live now makes you want to move?

For me, I’m hoping to move to Calgary! Will be enrolling in Mount Royal University next year, and when I finish up there I’ll be working on getting permanent residence in Canada. It’s great because it’s nice and cold up there, and then on top of that, free healthcare. And I suppose MRU is also a really good school for my degree. :stuck_out_tongue: As for moving out of Illinois…well, there’s not exactly a lot here. There’s corn, and cows, and gang violence. Oh, and a lot of corruption.

You just wanted another excuse to throw your Canada dreams out there, didn’t you? =p

I too have hopes of moving anywhere that’s not Connecticut. It’s expesive and boring. I wouldn’t mind moving to someplace like Nevada. Unlike my snowy friend in the previous post, I hate the cold.

Canada! Someplace in the developed world that’s not the US, really (and preferably English speaking). Wouldn’t mind Australia, Canada, or Britain, but Canada is the most likely choice for a lot of reasons (though ugh. cold.)

Question: (I don’t think this has been done before) What is your favorite not-your-own-sona anthro? (feel free to include pictures and links, just make sure they’re sfw)

Count me in for Canada too (huskies, duh). Let’s go and start a furry writers’ commune!

Also on the list: Sweden (high standard of living, clean, those huskies again), the Netherlands (just seems nice, and full of cool people), and northern France (conveniently close to the UK but with better food, weather, and biking roads).

Oh please everyone knows I want to already.

@Husky Let’s go! Seriously there’s already a ridiculous number for furries in Alberta.

@Friday Gotta go with the tigers! http://wizardgoggles.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/happy_year_of_the_tiger_by_hewhowalkswithtigers.jpg

How YOU doin’?

Yes, I know this is OLD, but I think it’s a great idea to help bring more activity to the forum!

Ummm I still gotta go with Robin from Disney’s Robin Hood >.> Dat fox is smokin’! Either him, or most anything from Dark Natasha cough

Don’t know if this one’s been done, but if you absolutely couldn’t use the species you’re currently using as your fursona, what would you choose? And a hybrid of your species with another doesn’t count!

I’d pick either a margay or a snep :3 Hey, I said different species, not genus! But if I had to go further back in the taxonomy line, either a vulpine (kitsune or fennec) or… I don’t really know o.o I might try the ursine again, or something like a chipmunk or squirrel (oo shiny!), though I don’t think I’m near hyper enough for the rodent clan >.>

I’ve always loved the Unicorn from the Spellsinger the best, for obvious reasons. Drom’s name isn’t the best.

I held on to my virginity for an extra long time, on the off chance we’d meet in real life.

That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

Hey what can I say I had this dream when I was 5 years old and still have dreams that feature the same character until today