When world-building, RPGs can help you get an idea of solid world-building tropes. Tropes aren’t a bad thing, they’re a tool. How you use them is just as important as whether you use them. Reinventing the wheel isn’t necessary for most projects.
But, you do need to be aware of the tropes you’re using, so that you can build your world effectively.
I find that most RPGs fall very short on world-building from a logical-conclusion perspective. Most fantasy worlds fall apart by failing to understand even very basic, simple economic consequences of things like magic, monsters, dragons, etc. (One of the best sit-ins I ever had was an economist student who explained, in loving detail, why he’d want a few dragons in his kingdom to stimulate the economy and break the kingdom away from the gold standard. And posited that dragons were long-term investors driving up the price of gold, carefully keeping each other in check economically to avoid flooding the market.)