After today’s downtime, my last straw with Hostgator has been broken. As soon as they get back to me with my info I will be moving everything over. I’ve chosen AnubianHost because it’s owned and operated by people within the fandom (from what I can see, anyway). Our aim is to support furry literature and authors; why not support furry web-hosting in the process?
I will also, in the near future, be taking over the payments for FWG’s domain, merging it into the hosting I will have. I’m not sure how effectively I’ll be able to transfer the site as it is over, so I have no idea if I’ll be able to keep the site’s look. We will sure find out though.
Once I move the FWG domain over, I’ll move the URL of the forums to I’ll make sure that this url redirects there, however.
I’ve been debating opening up a donation area to pay for this. Granted the domain isn’t a big cost compared to the rest of hosting, but my wallet feels every little bit of strain. I don’t do the whole “asking for help” thing very well, at least not when it comes to things financially. If you’d like to help, you could always commission me for editing, but that’s rather besdies the point.
That’s about it. I dunno if the move will result in any down time or not, but I’ll keep everyone posted via twitter when this move will happen.