Hello! I’m Bill Kieffer/Greyflank
Blurring the Line between Gifted and Twisted Every Day, that’s my motto. I am a writer, mostly fantasy and science fiction. I am into anthropomorphics and transformation. When I imagine myself, I see a horse trying to plow a field without a farmer steering him. I get some of what I want accomplished, but not everything.
I spent the last decade, plowed under from depression, neglecting my writing. I now have medicine that works, but it undercut the manic desire to pound my hooves day and night against the keyboard. I spent the last year learning the art of gluing myself to my chair and writing (was never an issue before). I actually started trying about five years back… and I got a fair word count going, if you count Facebook. Then you know, Farmville, Candy Crush, and so on… there are so many more distractions then when I was first writing…
But on the bright side, I’m Greyer than ever!
I’ve written everything from comic books to porn. I’ve written computer help files and conducted interviews. My goal is to build up my endurance and write a novel in the next year or two… one I can finish. So, my goal is actually more like writing a series of long short stories set in what I call Aesop’s Planet or Aesop’s World…
In the meantime, I’m targeting getting published again, and not getting overwhelmed by… well, anything…
Public shout out and thank you to Fred Patten for reminding me that I could actually write and that some people would like to read my stories.
Have a great day everyone, I will read everyone’s introductions as time allows.
The Typing Horse