Furry Writers' Guild Forum

VancouFur 2017

March 9-12, 2017, Vancouver, BC - www.vancoufur.org

Writing Guest of Honour: Lawrence M. Schoen

As writing track lead I’m thrilled to have Lawrence joining us for 2017! My goal is to expand our writing panel selection and hopefully have a variety of topics to draw both furry writers and folks interested in more mainstream SF out for the event. (Vancouver has quite an active F/SF community, and with our theme this year being Space Station Zebra, I think we’ve got plenty of potential to draw an expanded writing crowd!)

If anyone is coming out to the con, I’m looking for panelists and panel ideas. Please drop me an email, tony@vancoufur.org, with your suggestions!

Hopefully one day Yannarra and I can get out there! :slight_smile:

Hi Tony!
Do you happen to have an idea how many panels/events there will be at VF this yea?



Finally recovered from the flight back and wintry mess that kindly waited upon my return from the west coast.

Thank you to everyone at VancouFUR. This was my first experience of a furry convention and I had an amazing time!