It occurs to me that modern sci-fi is currently awash in loneliness.
In the last two years, we’ve had big tent-pole movies like The Martian, Interstellar, and Gravity, all about individuals who find themselves alone. Physically alone, emotionally alone. Just isolated in general, literally being the only character on the screen for huge chunks of time. We follow them as they either learn how to be at peace with their solitude or go insane from it. Even a semi-recent indie sci-fi like Moon is wholly about an isolated protagonist. On top of that, Ex Machina earlier this year isolates its two human characters in a wilderness retreat. And last but not least, my favorite maybe sci-fi show currently on TV, The Last Man on Earth, is about, well … being alone on Earth.
All of the above are very entertaining, so I’m not necessarily putting forth a lament. It’s just an interesting shift to observe. What brought this intense ‘solo’ focus about? Why is sci-fi so lonely right now? Is this just a momentary phase or does it signify something about the state of modern Western culture? It’s been too prevalent lately for me not to think it’s reflecting something. But, then, I’ve been known to think far too much …