Furry Writers' Guild Forum

The best place to start is usually the beginning

Which usually ought to begin with an introduction.

Televassi sent me here after we got to talking about writing over on FA - never guessed there was a writers guild specifically for anthropomorphic fiction, but from the look of it you’ve all got a fine community going on here.

I’m majoring in English with a focus in Creative Writing at Boise State University and have been writing off and on for five or six years, though only in the past year did I actually start getting serious with it. I’m heavily influenced by the gothic and romantic eras of literature (I detest realism as a literary form) and am currently at work on a novel that does not have any furry or anthro qualities, but around this main project I enjoy turning up the occasional story - and perhaps, in the future, a novel - with furry characters, generally still with a vintage narrative style and a setting somewhere between 1800 and 1945. Having to read an endless procession of canonical works for my university degree has ruined fiction with human characters for me for the most part, but for whatever reason stories of bipedal wolves, coyotes and foxes still hold my attention perfectly, whether as product of my own imagination or as that of the skilled writers one occasionally comes across in the furry fandom.

Anyhow thanks for granting me your ear, I look forward to reading some of your stories in the future.

Greetings and welcome. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Welcome! I love historical fiction, so I’ll be interested to read some of yours!

Hi and welcome! :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum!

Hello and welcome! You had me swooning at “gothic and romantic”. I will be looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Feel free to leave a comment in the shout box- would love to get to know you more.

Greetings and welcome.

Hmm, realism. I find that much of what is called “realism” is no more real than the fantasies of the Gothic style, when you get right down to it. The realism stuff just hangs on a few modern inventions being misused, especially firearms, telephones, and/or drugs. Gothic fiction depends on misuse of more fundamental matters, and thus carries a lot more weight I’d say.

Anthropomorphics have been around since the beginnings of recorded history, and undoubtedly before that when nothing could be written down. You’re on solid ground with us. ;D

Hello! Welcome aboard! I can fully relate to English classes effecting your ability to appreciate certain works.


Welcome! :smiley: