As we get ready for the 2020 Cóyotl Awards, authors and publishers are pulling together their eligible publications on the Cóyotl Awards recommended reading list. This page contains a non-exhaustive list of works which are eligible for nomination this year. If you have a work to add to this list, you can reply to this post or contact the chair. Please be sure to include the full title and author name, as well as what category the work belongs to.
As a reminder, works are generally divided by wordcount. Works less than 20,000 words are short stories, 20,000-50,000 are novellas, and 50,000+ are novels. Additionally, there is a category for anthologies, which also accepts single-author anthologies. Not all stories in an anthology need be newly published, but at least some must be newly published in 2020 (that is, a reprint anthology is not eligible).
Also, this year, the awards will be accepting other literary works which do not fit in the traditional categories. These may be graphic novels, original podcasts, interactive fiction, and similar non-traditional works. If there are not enough nominations to fill this category out (at least four), then these works will be lumped in with categories of a similar word count. For example, if a work of interactive fiction with 30,000 words is submitted as the only entrant, it will be added to the “novella” category, but if several works of interactive fiction are nominated, this category will remain separate. For more information, please see the award rules.
Edit 1: The podcast The Voice of Dog is considered a valid publication venue for short stories.
Edit 2: You can keep an eye on the page listed above, but I’ll also your post when I’ve added your work to the list
Edit 3: This is just a reading list, not the actual nomination form. This is a thread/page for your for-your-considerations. As such, now’s the time to list your own eligible works! Nominations will open January 1.