One of my last goals for the remainder of my term is to get the process started for a second FWG fiction anthology. Since it’s something I have neither the time nor the skills to do on my own, I need to find someone who can head up the project and get things moving. Here are the qualifications I’m looking for:
[ul][li]Must either be a current member of the FWG or meet the criteria for membership.[/li]
[li]Must have edited or co-edited at least one anthology of fiction (furry or non).[/li][/ul]
Besides the obvious tasks of selecting and editing stories for publication, the editor will oversee and coordinate all aspects of the anthology, including:
[ul][li]Facilitating selection of a theme (ideally by member poll on the forums)[/li]
[li]Working with the publisher to meet their requirements/schedules[/li]
[li]Setting appropriate deadlines for submissions, edits, etc.[/li]
[li]Bringing in co-editors, slush readers, and/or proofreaders from the FWG membership, as the editor deems necessary[/li]
[li]Providing status updates to the FWG president on a regular basis (ideally monthly)[/li][/ul]
Payment is negotiable. While I’d like for the cost of the anthology to be covered by the treasury, I strongly suspect that will require passing the hat for more donations, so if you’re able to contribute financially to the project, that of course would be very much appreciated.
If you meet these qualifications and are interested in helping out the FWG by heading up this project, please email me at furwritersguild at Deadline to contact me is February 21; I’d like to have an editor appointed and the process started by March. Any questions, drop me an email or ask here.