Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Rocky Mountain Fur Con

I wasn’t going to make any of the cons this year but I sucked it up and decided to go to RMFC–a big reason being that Jennifer (Nambroth) Miller will be there. She’s doing the covers for all my Summer King books, is an awesome person and has become a friend. So…hurray! Epic meeting of the minds.

So if anyone’s going to Denver in August… let me know :smiley:


While I am not, my writery partner in crime is - Robert Baird will likely be doing panels there.

ooOOOooo nifty! Is he on the forums? peers around Tell him if he needs other peeps on his panel I’m floating around <:D I’ve done many workshops before. Thanks for the heads up ^___^

Get Mr Baird on here! We could always use a little more class :slight_smile: