Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Rainfurrest 2015

Hm. I wouldn’t have thought that would be a big problem. :confused: Good to know.

What I meant, though, was also, is there a minimum requirement of 3, or can you have a panel led by just 1 or 2 people?

I could see more, especially if you have a dedicated moderator whose task is to keep things on target and to make sure everyone gets time to talk. Went to a con that had very dedicated moderators and it was interesting to see the difference.

PT, if you have a panel and only want to do it with one other person, that’s fine.

Mary can attest, for things like readings and Q&A, that’s all solo. And we try very hard to be flexible, I promise!

Thanks for clarifying. :slight_smile: Personally, I do tend to prefer having at least one other person there to work off of when it comes to panels. For a reading, I might try to set up a FWG-sponsored reading and share the time with a few others, rather than doing it solo – but of course that might also depend on whether I have a new book to launch by then, so we’ll see as things get closer.

Hubby does not know this, but I’m working on stockpiling a little bit of money from each of my paychecks for this. With both my new third job that pays a better and gives me more hours and the potential for hubby to have a second job, things are actually looking up for us going to this. I’d say there’s now a 50% chance we can go. I’ll probably have a 100% decision made by the end of the year so we can start looking for room, flight, and panel options. I’d like to at least be on the editing panel, but only if hunter makes me a “Editor” flag this year in contrast to the “Writer” ones that were handed out. =)

I’m going to make a final decision on whether or not I can attend this after Supanova at the end of November. If that goes well, then I’ll set aside money for flights and the like. Will try and make the most of the trip by staying as long as possible in the US - so will need to save a fair bit!

Said it in the Shoutbox and I’ll say it here: Totally excited you guys will be able to make it! I’m realizing more and more that even if Spirit and I moved out of WA, we’d have to fly back every year just for RF X3


I should also note that George Squares (@GeorgeSquares on twitter) is going. So even more new faces will be there in 2015. ^^

As soon as the con room block opens, I will nab one for myself. I am happy to split with anyone. I generally only room with 1-2 people.

Con rooms open in early December, right? They haven’t said a specific date, I’m guessing.

Rooms are now open for booking on the website. Just a note though that you can’t book a departure for Monday the 28th yet. RF told me on twitter that they’re working on fixing that though.

Edit: That was fixed!

I and Dwale are sharing a room; if a third person would like to also room with us, that would be great.

I’ve reserved Thurs-Sun (Sept 24-27).

Just a fair warning for those thinking about staying at my place before/during/after the con: I’m going to request days a couple of days before and after the con off as well as the weekend proper, but I don’t think Spirit’s going to beyond the con itself. This means he’ll be up at 5am weekdays for work. He does a great job keeping his disturbances minimal, but just a head’s up in case this might bother anyone.

We’ll be there from Wednesday at some point until Monday at some point. Hanging out before, after, and during the con can happen. It looks like we’ll be rooming with some dude in the main hotel.

Sweet! Glad you guys will be able to make it again :smiley:

Okay I’m going for sure!! ^________^

Hooray for Miss Copper!

****'s gonna be off the hook!

This is going to be one of the best RFs ever! So many amazing people showing up- gonna be a party up in here!

Frickin’ sweet!!