Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Promoting Anthology Submissions Through Dogpatch

Howdy. Hope y’all are doing well. My name is David Popovich and I help out on the furry site, Dogpatch Press. Doing many odd end stuff from writing articles to formatting Fred Patten’s Book Reviews. After formatting so many reviews, a lot being anthologies, it got me thinking. FWG does a great job keeping track of the many anthologies and having it in an easy place to find, but I feel there are still a lot of people who don’t know about FWG. Let alone how many anthologies are accepting submissions throughout the year besides Heat, Roar, Fang, etc…

So what if we at Dogpatch Press did a public article about an anthology accepting submissions? Something this is easy to share, contains the details of the theme, format, etc… But to also talk a bit about the people working behind the scenes. The hard working Editors who give it their all to provide an opporutnity for writers to grow. The main goal is to tell the community what is going on in the writer’s world. Not only for veterans, but for any newcomers who had no idea they could submit for something that can get capital P Published. What do you guys think? Does that sound like a good idea? Let me know. Thank you and have a nice day.

That sounds neat to me.

It certainly does! The more places calls for submissions are advertised, the more submissions are made, and hopefully the better the end product!

Always up for getting more of the word out

That is awesome. I know you guys do several different anthologies so when you are ready to open up for submissions let me know. Thank you.