Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Productivity apps?

Hi friends! Does anyone have apps they’d like to share that are helpful for being productive and meeting writing goals? I’ve been finding Habitica (https://habitica.com) to be a fun and useful tool. It’s a little RPG game to help you accomplish real-world tasks. I thought I would find it distracting, but instead it’s kept me focused and on track. I’m on there as Space Wolf, if anyone wants to join the Liz Lemon Party. :wink:

Oh, I’ll have to check that out.

Something that Chandra started in Slack was a “FWG General Sprints” room at myWriteClub. I haven’t touched it in a while, so I really need to change that, but it is a fun way to sprint with other writers. Helps me stay focused and easily see my word count for the time. Come write in #sprints with us!

I use Habitica myself and really like it.