Furry Writers' Guild Forum

NaNoWriMo 2013!

Well, I suppose I’ll throw my NaNo profile up on here, just in case anyone wants to be writing buddies with me or something. Just a thought.


I’ll be lucky to finish a short story in that amount of time, let alone a novel. ^.^; It’s a great idea, I just don’t have that sort of energy.

I can currently say for sure that I’ll be editing, but I’d still love to do the google hangout thing because it’ll be a blast, I’m sure.

Just a note that I’m at:


I’ve done it twice before, and loved every moment of it.
It’s a good way to practice writing every day, and starts a lot of good habits.

An excellent blog post on 4 good reasons NOT to do NaNoWriMo:


And the companion piece, 4 (somewhat more obvious) reasons to sign up:


Oh gawd, that’s in just a few weeks, isn’t it? I suppose I should try to dredge up my old account somehow and actually work on that outline I was trying to write months ago.

Two weeks from tomorrow. Which means I still need some sort of plot to go with my handful of characters…

For those who might be at Midwest Fur Fest in November, looks like they’re planning on at least 1 NaNo write-in there:


Finally got around to re-opening my old account (I guess the last time I logged in was in 2009). Looks like my account name is just Frank LeRenard. Now I have to write that blasted outline so I can get going come Friday. I already foresee, this will be a difficult project.

And I still have no coherent plot. Let the desperation begin. XD

I’ve had a plot for ages, but now I come to write it down I discover it is actually quite boring! Maybe it’s one of those things I just need to get out of my system and move on from.

Starting to suspect this may be my last NaNo for a while. Somehow it just isn’t as much fun anymore, the way it was the first few times. :confused:

I have an awesom idea and an awesome heroine but I seriously doubt that I’d even come anywhere near to being finished in 20 days.

I just cannot find enough time each day to write the way that I want :stuck_out_tongue:

One of my favourite pieces of NaNo advice: “Someone busier than you is writing right now”. Holds true outside November as well, and it’s something I often tell myself. (Damn that annoying smug creative busy person! (It’s probably M.C.A. Hogarth.))

Hey guys! Even though I’m not participating this year, I was thinking we could do a skype chat hangout for people. Since writing and being on a chat client is a good combination for getting nothing done, I expect it to be very low-key, and for people to likely only be on when not writing. But it could be a helpful place to get encouragement and feedback!

If you’re interested, add me on skype: trias81

Eh, decided to throw in the towel for this year. More info here.

I’d be down. I’ve been keeping skype open generally all the time on my phone, so I’m basically always available.

You can add me as well under: nightmareoctopus. Friday and I will try not to scare you off.

We have a winner! Well done Sigmaechoes!

Hoooray! Congratulations sigmaechoes! What’s the story about?