Furry Writers' Guild Forum

MidAmericon (WorldCon 2016)

Hey all! Science fiction’s WorldCon is in Kansas City next year (Aug 17-21, 2016) and I’m curious who might be interested in going. Memberships are steep–$170 for an attending until October 1, then going up probably $10 or $20–but it’s a cool place where a lot of SF’s well-known authors go. Three of the last four WorldCons, I’ve been on at least one furry panel, and this year I’d like to get another one or two on the schedule again. (I’m also trying to talk Sofawolf and FurPlanet into sharing a table so we would have a place to point people from the panels.) So far, I know Chipotle and I have bought memberships, and we’re hoping Tube and Jakebe can join us. So if you come, you’ll have other furry writers to hang out with. ^^

The panels and people at WorldCon are pretty cool and worth going for, and I’d like to introduce them to more cool furry writers. :slight_smile:

Kansas is a bit far for me, but if it’s near you do give it a go! I went to the London WorldCon because it was half an hour from my door, and even though I don’t class myself as a massive sci-fi fan (my collection of Dr Who DVDs is in single figures) I had a brilliant time.

That might be an option for me, though I’d likely just be there for a few days. LonCon was really great and I haven’t spent a lot of time in Kansas City. I hear the food is wonderful and it would be great to support fandom representation there.

Worldcon is my favorite convention! I will definitely be present.

I happen to know some of the folks responsible for programming, and – no promises, but – if there are enough furry writers who are committed to going, I can reach out to my contacts about getting one or more anthropomorphic panels on the list. Thoughts?

I’d like to go, but I just got back from driving to/from Rain Furrest and… Wow. At this point KC sounds further away-- and more expensive-- than ever. When this thread reactivates in a few months, as it likely will, I’ll reconsider the matter. It’s too soon to commit. Though how I’d love to give a panel there…

I’m potentially up for a panel. IIRC, Kyell has been on furry panels at mainstream sf cons, possibly including past WorldCons. (I may have been on a furry panel at Necronomicon in Tampa mumblesomething years ago…)

Yep, there was a ‘Furry 101’ panel at LonCon. Kyell, foozzz and I were on it.

I’ll be there, and will likely have some panels (and hey, maybe even a reading or kaffeeklatsch!)

The odds are about 50/50 that they’ll ask me to do something for them in Klingon too. :wink: