I’ve noticed some talk about all this in the chats (both the scheduled ones and the spontaneous ones), but wanted to make a more permanent thread for any sort of market news that isn’t a call for submissions – in other words, a place for updates on anthologies that are dead (or still alive), scuttlebutt on anthologies or other markets that will be open for submissions in coming months but aren’t open yet, just generally a place to ask “anybody know what’s going on with…?” – all that sort of thing.
Starting this off with a heads-up about Fred Patten’s tentative plans for his next FurPlanet anthology, quoting him from a different thread in this forum:
I am almost certainly premature in announcing this, since editing "The Furry Future" for January publication is taking up all of my time at present, but Teiran of FurPlanet Productions and I have briefly discussed what kind of anthology to publish next. We have tentatively agreed upon an anthology of reprints from within furry fandom. Up to now, we have been asking for all-original stories, or reprinting furry stories from the s-f magazines of the last century since most furry readers today are not familiar with them. This new anthology, probably for Anthrocon 2015, would be of short stories by furry community writers that have been published before but that most furry readers are unlikely to be familiar with. Mostly old stories that are out of print; and stories published outside furry markets that most furry fans don't know about.