I just tried getting my books into a local bookstore. I was told they can’t order Felix (my first book) through Ingram for some reason, and didn’t even mention the idea of ordering Huvek, my other book, through Createspace. Instead, they offered me consignment. It means I supply the books, they sell them, and they give me 60%.
Problem is the discount from one publisher is 40%, and I’m pretty sure it’s the same through Furplanet, so I will lose money on this arrangement if you factor in shipping, assuming they sell my books at cover price. Will it still be worth it just to make them available in a local bookstore? They’re far more likely to just sit on the shelf collecting dust, like the 1,000+ other books they have. Just because I’m local doesn’t mean people will be more likely to buy them.
Honestly it sounds like an underhanded way for the bookseller to transfer the risk to me. If the books don’t sell, I’m out the money, not them. The guy even made it sound like it was going to be better for me: “As is, since you’re local, it might be better to do consignment anyway. If I bought outright through Ingram, I would only get one of each. With consignment, you could bring in 5 of each and your books would be a “face-out” and get more attention.” I call bullshit on that. You can order as many copies as you like from Ingram.
This doesn’t benefit me at all. It sounds like a business trying to screw me over, so I don’t think I’m going to do it. I was really hoping to get my books into a local bookstore, too. Anyone else have a more positive experience trying this?