Furry Writers' Guild Forum

I made a post already, and I completely forgot to do one of these!

Hi. I’m Flotts, and I’m a furry composer, writer, and programmer. I’m still deciding which of those three I truly want to get very good at, but I think there’s something in the writing industry for me, so I’m starting there. I’m a cat, but I have antlers - it’s a bit of a long story. I’ve been a furry for about… seven years now.

[insert segue]

I’m currently working on a few projects, but my main writing project is LUCID. You can read about LUCID in my other posts, if you’re interested.

Now, I’m a very boring person, so I seriously have nothing else important to say about myself, unless you want me to talk about my game for a few paragraphs, or about my horrible, horrible music… Therefore, this introduction is going to end really awkwardly. ^w^

Welcome aboard!

Hello! Welcome!

Talk about your horrible, horrible music! I know we have other composer types on here. And welcome!

Hi and welcome! :slight_smile: