I have a slice-of-life story about a character who is living with ALS and the conflict that occurs with his caregiver.
Do I need to define the acronym ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) for the reader?
As it stands, the story only has three people in it, and all three know what it stands for. So defining it in dialogue becomes an "As you know, Bob … " situation.
Defining it in the prose is equally as clunky because it’s clear I’m speaking directly to the reader. I’ve created new words in fantasy stories and direct definitions in the prose gets the feedback that “This is jarring”.
And I can’t call it “Lou Gerhig’s disease” because this is a furry story, and apparently a lot of people get cranky when you refer to specific things in the Real world - specific places like city/country names, businesses and copyrighted product names, and I’m certain real people.
Honestly I don’t think even giving the definition of the acronym helps in any way, because it’s just a bunch of medical terms.
What should I do?