Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Hi from the writer mare


Hung on to join until I had the paper copies of the official bits I was published in as Arian Mabe and hope to meet a lovely bunch of people here! I write under the name ‘Amethyst Mare’ on several furry sites and take on many commissions as I enjoy working on them, they challenge me to improve and the income allows me to keep going out and experiencing new things. If I don’t do anything, I find that my enjoyment of writing dries up. So the commissions certainly keep me going strong. I’ve had a couple of things published with Weasel Press, one more to come with Red Ferret Press, and some non-furry works also, nothing major. I’m very aware that I’m maturing in writing and think I need a few years practice before angling for something in the non-furry fiction market, using the experience gleaned from hard work and learning over the next few years.

Time for writing is a trial and something I guard preciously. Working full time takes a great deal of energy and I spend an hour at the gym every weekday after work also, as I feel that physical health is very important. It also helps keep my hand supple - small, lingering injury - so that I can keep writing, so it’s exceptionally important to me to go. I’m very happy with my ongoing output, however, but would like to balance work a little more.

Hope to see lots of people about and have a fabulous day! ;D

Glad to see you make your way here ^^

Took a while! Hoping to meet more down to earth writers here though. The “I AM THE BEST EVA” crowd is really grinding my gears at the moment. Just write, learn, share and enjoy, damn it. But that’s a little peeve!

Welcome to the forums! :slight_smile:

You should definitely be able to find that here.
Be sure to check out the shout box or the slack chat if you have time and want to engage the community the most: http://www.anthroaquatic.com/forum/index.php?topic=961.msg10179#msg10179

Hi there! Congratulations on the publications!

Hi and welcome to the forums! :slight_smile:


Welcome! Nice to see you here!

waves a hoof

Welcome to a great group!

Welcome aboard! Always nice to see more horses here!

Heyo! Is this the same Amethyst Mare who honored us with those lovely equine poems for Civilized Beasts? You actually had me scrambling to the email account to double check the name XD

Hi, yes, I am the same person. I didn’t like ‘Amethyst Mare’ as a pen name but it was too late to change, so I’ve been using Arian Mabe, linking it on my usual furry accounts for a couple of years now. Hopefully it works! It’s nice to speak to you! :slight_smile: