I’m Margaux! I’m very new to the furry fandom, but I recently decided to change my oldest original story into a furry story. I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing, even though my handwriting is not very neat, lol!
I started my furry story when I was about ten or eleven, and it involved wolves with zodiac powers. Fast forward almost a decade later, and now it is a furry sci-fi/fantasy story, with the anthropomorphic wolves and foxes living in a different solar system and having their own zodiac. The funny thing is, I never realized how much I enjoy creative writing until I finished a fan-fiction of mine a couple of years ago. Anyway, I haven’t looked back after setting my heart on creative writing!
By the way, I realized that I am a furry in November of this past year. That’s how new I am. I know I have a LOT to learn, but I will learn whatever new things I need to.