Hi All,
I’m a writer who loves writing non human and animal characters. This leads me into the furry realm quite often, I’ve had a half dozen nicks through the years. I’ve just published the first in my Freelance Familiars series which is what you get if you take the wizards of Harry Dresden make them slightly more psychotic and require they all take familiars to do magic. Then you splash the familiars with Redwall juice. The first story here Off Leash is the story of Thomas, a librarian who really doesn’t want to be a familiar. It features some art by Sabertooth Ermine one of my favorite artists.
Edit: cuz I rite gud.
(If your willing to write a review I’d be happy to provide a free copy)
Previously I wrote the webcomic Walking the Lethe. http://walkingthelethe.com/ Which is a horror/modern fantasy about a man slowly becoming a succubus among other things. Sadly it is unfinished but brave souls like it anyway.
You can find me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/FallenKittenPro
And if you need help on scifi involving biology or genetics hit me up there. I’ve got a PhD in vascular Biology so can I make sure your biology babble isn’t breaking physics