Hello all,
I’m new to the forums, having just joined today, and recently joined the Guild as well. My nickname here is Banner, and some of you may have heard of me or met me over the years, as I’ve been in the fandom for sometime now.
I used to write storied for Yarf, as well as a few online forums. I stared to write eBooks back in 2011, and published on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and a few other places. I write under my own name (John Van Stry) as well as a couple of pen names.
Last year I spent a few months working as a full-time writer, between contracts (I work as a consultant) and have since decided to quit my day job and turn pro. Writing is what I now do for a living, full-time. Which is kind of exciting (in both the good ways and the bad ones).
The reasons I am here on the forums are twofold: One, I want to help others, because I believe a rising tide lifts all boats. Two, it’s always nice to have other authors to chat with, because they have a better understanding of the issues authors face.