Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Hello from 2024!

I found this place through a link through a link through a link, and saw there were forums and well, here I am. I’m hoping to find some prompts to help push me out of a long time writing rut, as well as read up on advice on writing in general. I was excited that there was a ‘university’ category but sadly it looks like that is a relic now and not actively continuing (unless it’s moved to a separate area of the site or separate site altogether, which I’ll have to seek out). I have never been published but that is the goal and I feel like I’m finally at a place in my life to be able to treat that seriously.

EDIT: Aw heck, hang on, I think I might be bad at understanding the forum dates… Go ahead and judge me, I’ve never used a discourse forum before and am used to the year being included in post timestamps. Ok, another 'nother look, I understand it now!


got an email saying someone posted.

Ya doesn’t seem very active in here, though there is a discord. https://discord.gg/ws4SgVc5

Cheers, I had seen a couple mentions of a discord but hadn’t been able to suss out the link! Thank you!

Hello and welcome! Yeah, I think the forums are officially just for introducing yourself and voting in the guild elections now? The discord is much more active (though more intimidating to someone like me).

It’s awesome that you are working to get out of a writing rut and are in a place to treat publishing as a serious goal! It’s more doable than it feels from the other side of it.

Anyway, welcome again!

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