Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Guild Elections 2024-2025

This is the thread for all candidacy announcements.
Those who wish to run for any of the positions should use this thread to share their vision for the guild, their campaign promises, and also which position they are running for. To be eligible, candidates must be a full FWG member and must announce candidacy before April 30th.
Should there only be one candidate per role, an election will not be held.
Should there be multiple candidates, details about the election will be shared in May.

Positions open for election:

J.F.R. Coates (Jaye)

Vice President
K.C. Shaw


Public Relations Officer

Markets Manager
Vincenzo Pasquarella (Scribbles Cheetah)

Since stepping in as an emergency candidate in 2021, I have led the guild and gradually began to implement new ways for the FWG to expand its reach. I feel like I am still at the beginning of that journey, with some of those visions yet to come to fruition.

As such, I would like to officially declare my intention to run for another term as guild president. I am proud of the work I have achieved so far, and still have a lot of energy to put into bettering the guild.

I feel like the community is thriving. The guild is in the best place possible to take the next step into bettering the state of furry writing. Since last year, I have been able to start the implementation of guest blogs. With fundraising initiatives like Patreon, regular book bundles, and a guild anthology, I hope to ensure that the FWG is able to get itself into a position to financially assist writers with advertising assistance.

My work has been built on the hard work laid down by the presidents before me. I feel like the guild is currently in a better place than when I started 3 years ago, but my work is not yet done.

With your backing, I would like to see a fourth term to see these plans come to life.

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Hi! My name is Vincenzo “Scribbles” Pasquarella and I am announcing my candidacy for Markets Manager.

It has been fun being able to help promote calls for anthologies in my time as Market Manager. As someone who also had a hand in editing two anthologies in the past two years, it has been amazing to see more writers get involved with furry writing through our markets this year. I hope to continue finding exciting calls to share with you all!

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It’s hard to believe it’s already been three years since I first stood for vice president. In those three years the guild has built on the work of previous guild officers to achieve financial stability as a nonprofit. This has allowed us greater reach and more options to help members achieve success, such as the upcoming guild anthology. I would be proud to continue supporting Jaye and our other officers for another year, so hereby declare my intention to run for another term as vice president.

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Such a good slate of folks for election!

Hello! I am Resolute, and I’m re-running for Public Relations Officer. We’ve definitely had some major strides in the past several years and I hope to continue supporting the Guild through its continued growth. I do intend on continuing with projects such as the FWG News Podcast, as well as backend assistance with documenting Guild processes.

And, if I may modify the podcast outro: if you’re looking for a sign to step up and run for an open role (or even an existing one), or to help out the Guild in other respects, this is it!

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