Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Guild Elections 2021-2022

Hello Furry Writers’ Guild members!

It has been an honor serving you all during the first year of my presidency. We have managed to make many improvements to the guild, increased our membership and social media followings, and even managed to host an entire convention! None of this could have been done without your support, so I thank you deeply for offering it.

You may have wondered if I would seek a second term as President. This post is me officially announcing that this will be the case! However, I don’t want to run purely on the fact that we’ve made strides forward previously. I want to show how we will continue moving forward as a Guild to be better than ever. Here are some of my plans for my second term as president

  • Become a 501©(3) so we have full business status and can join organizations that will allow us to offer members discounts on certain writing-related services.
  • Join the American Library Association and become a member of the Rainbow Round Table within that organization. Volunteering for committees there could allow us to get Furry books onto reading and purchasing lists for libraries in the United States and offer more services to members of the Guild.
  • Facilitate a book club to promote the sales of Furry books as well as encourage people to read more furry books and give them reviews.
  • Continue revamping the Guild’s image by getting things like new art for Furry Book Month and other related promotions…
  • Host the second edition of Oxfurred Comma.
  • Develop a “Pizza Hut” program where people reading Furry books can be entered to win a free pizza each month. (Yes, this one is silly and not a top priority, but it’s something I want to try!)
  • Establish a program for Furry authors to promote being open for commissions through the Guild and actively help promote authors making revenues outside of traditional publishing.
  • Change membership guidelines to better reflect the current atmosphere surrounding Furry writing so we can help more authors grow.

Yes, that’s a lot of bullet points (and yet still somehow shorter than my original call to run a year prior). But I hope we can achieve all of these things. Thank you all for your current support. Hopefully, I’ll be around next year to help make all these things happen ;3