Hello, everyone! I have been a fur and a writer (though mostly artist) for several years, going by the names Tensik and Rindle on art sites. BlindTyldak, however, has been my forum name since . . . well . . . pretty much since I first got access to the internet. I am a published author of two young adult novels, both out of print currently, and neither particularly “furry” though they both had a talking animal character. I’ve been working on a more traditionally furry book off and on for a while now, and after a break that was far too long have decided to try to finish it. Quite an undertaking as I only have a couple of chapters written and barely even remember where I was going with the story.
A little about me: I’m a 41 year old widow with a 15 year old daughter, living and working in South Dakota. I’ve done just about every job imaginable, from radio DJ to zookeeper, and currently work at a tree nursery. I’ve got two dogs, an Amazon parrot, and a couple of fish. My hobbies include vaping, watching way too many reruns of Anthony Bourdain, and banging my head against the wall over my atrocious gaming skills. Nice to meet you all!