Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Further Confusion 2017 (San Jose, CA, Jan 12–16)

Yes, it’s (past) time to bring this up and suggest that it’s an excellent time to think about attending FC and maybe being part of the programming!

Further Confusion is held in San Jose, California, and next year it’ll run from January 12–16. FC is in the San Jose Convention Center, with two attached hotels and several overflow hotels within short walking distance, and there’s a lot of places to eat, drink and get caffeinated at within a half-mile radius. (If you haven’t been to downtown San Jose in the last five or six years, it’s a very different place than it used to be.) Some of the nearest places even give discounts to con attendees.


While FC hasn’t explicitly gone out of its way to be a “writing con,” we usually have a dozen or more writing panels with regular participants including Kyell Gold, Ryan Campbell, Jakebe, and myself — and, as the returning writing track lead, I’d love to get new people involved.

You can submit panel proposals directly here: https://events.furcon.org/fc2017/panel/submit

And if you’re just interested in being on panels but don’t have any specific ideas, or have any questions, leave a reply in this thread or message me!

I’ve done multiple panels at five of the last six FCs.

It’s a good con in terms of the writing track. If it were at a more convenient time of year, I’d definitely want to hold the Coyotl Awards there.

Hi! I am returning to the States earlier than I thought, so I will be able to attend FC!! I have never been to a con before. I am super excited!!! And while I don’t have specific ideas of my own at the moment, I would love to help out with a panel or something, though since I’m a relative n00b both writing and convention-wise, you might not want me to (?). But maybe I could offer something useful, to someone. Somehow. Also I really want to meet FWG people and other members of the community! :slight_smile:

Here are the panels I have so far:

[ul][]FWG Meet and Greet: open to everyone. Hosted by me and hopefully Ryffnah if she’s attending the con.
]Constructed Languages: proposed by “DoomCat,” who I don’t know. So far they haven’t responded to my email poking about whether they need other panelists.
[]Adult Furry Writing: a perennial, usually run by Kyell, Not Tube, and Rikoshi.
]Brainstorming in Real Time: a panel with Kyell and Ryan Campbell
[]Planning Your Novel: probably me, Kyell, and Ryan again
]What’s Your Problem?: about common errors that get manuscripts rejected. Suggested by Kyell.
[]FurPlanet Presents: their annual presentation of Neat Things Coming Up. This will likely include readings from authors whose books are premiering at the con, including my novel Kismet.
]Print and EBook Design: this may be a solo presentation by me, or I may expand it to a panel.
[*]Write Now!: a presentation on quick brainstorming that was run by Kyell and Jakebe last year.[/ul]

Now, that’s only nine panels. We should really manage at least 3 more. So if people have panel ideas now is the time to share them. The con’s only three months away at this point! Submit panel ideas at FurCon Panels. (And mention them here, too, please!)

If you’d like to be on any of the existing panels that aren’t full, or ones that get proposed, reply here. We aim for 3-4 panelists for most panels. You should give a little bit of background as to why you’re good for a given panel, and I can’t guarantee a slot on a panel–in some cases (e.g., Adult Furry Writing), the panelist who’s running it has final say.

Hi Chip,

I’ll help out on the print and eBook design panel if you’re looking to have other panelists.

I’ll likely do the intro for people on the FP Presents.

Also, I could be on the rejection panel. I don’t want to do it solo though so please find a couple other panelists.

Hi Chipotle,

I can help with the FWG meet & greet, and I can also help with Planning Your Novel. I’ve written one novel that’s been accepted for publication, with a few more in the works, so I would feel comfortable discussing how I plan a novel.

Another idea I had for a panel… “Inspiration in the Writing Life”? We could discuss things like… what is inspiration? Where do you, personally, find inspiration as a writer? How do you live and think in a way that makes you more receptive to inspiration, and what kinds of habits can you use to cultivate inspiration (i.e. carrying a notebook around everywhere, being a good listener, etc.)? Would anyone be interested in something like this? If we did do this, it would be great to have multiple perspectives on inspiration from different writers with different processes. :slight_smile:

Never heard from anyone how they felt about my idea, but today is apparently the last day to submit panels so I went ahead and submitted it. I really hope someone(s) will join me! ;_; Who’s interested? What email address can I invite you at? Also I’d like to know whether I can be part of those other panels I expressed interest in or not…? My email is polarbeareinsteinATliveDOTcom if you want to invite me. Maybe it’s too late. Anyway, thanks, friends!

Amy: Your panel did get submitted, yes! Sorry for not responding earlier – it’s been a very difficult last couple of months for me for various reasons, and I confess I was hoping more people would follow your lead and go ahead and submit panels, or at least post here as to whether or not they’re going to the con at all, or whether they’d be interested in the panels I listed earlier.

Fuzz: I will add you to panels and probably trigger the programming system to send out stuff to you sometime soon.

There are now a bunch of proposed panels I have to get through – 16 panels total, some of which may overlap a bit, and FC really prefers to keep the panel count down to 10-12, so I have to do some triage this week…

No worries, Chip! Things have been crazy for me too. @_@ If you’d also like to add me to the meet & greet and/or planning your novel, feel free! If not, that’s okay too! Excited for the con! dances