So, as Fred Patten asked in his thread, how many contributors to The Furry Future will be at FC? I make it at least four (Chipotle, Ryffnah, Michael H. Payne and me); it might be cool if we could make it known that we’d all be available to sign copies at a particular time, maybe?
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I’m certainly up for this plan.
Huskyteer asked me to reply to this. I’m not sure where it would be possible to do this. We certainly can’t facilitate it att our dealer’s table as there is such limited space there and it’s quite hectic when working with customers.
Usually when we do a signing it is one author at a time for a book they’ve written.
Adding a new panel wouldn’t be possible at this late stage. I see the con supports groups who want to set up their own meet-up though. Info is on the con’s site.
Would anyone be interested in meeting up for dinner at some point, maybe just talking writing? Dances are fun, but I need some writing discussion to keep the old chatterbox going it doesn’t necessarily need to be in the official schedule to happen!
I’ll be there. Would be delighted to meet some of yous.
I’ll be around, not surprisingly – on two panels, reading at a third, and probably checking in somewhat randomly on writing panels in general.
I’ll probably have left by dinner time, but we must definitely catch up at some point!
FWG meeting at FurCon is today at 3:00pm, Pacific time! That’s in just 4.5 hours.
I will take notes and try to post in the Shoutbox while it’s happening. So if you check back at 3:00pm Pacific time (which is 6:00pm forum time), you might get to participate in FurCon, even if you’re thousands of miles away.
Be there, or be virtually there, or honor your other real-life commitments and priorities instead!
I will do my best to remember to check in. Thanks!
This was really great! Getting on for 20 attendees, lots of interest in the Guild, and I got to put faces to some names
Very much likewise, and great to meet you! ^.^
Hello to all! Wanted to say thanks for the panels I did get to go to at my first Further Confusion this year. You all did well and I cannot wait to qualify for the FWG once more of my works get published!