Yeah, working on that at the moment. Here’s hoping they don’t give me trouble because of the name being “common”.
If anyone needs their credit for Tales from the Guild under a different name so it shows up in your author dashboard, lemme know.
Alright, my Goodreads author profile is set up. Thankfully they didn’t give me trouble, and they even removed the book I didn’t write.
I just now signed up, but how do I list myself as an author?
Your author page is here:
There’s a link at the bottom: “Is this you? Let us know.” That should let you access the page, but I don’t know if you’ll be able to combine this with the profile you’ve set up for yourself or if you’ll need to do the work again. (I think I was able to convert the reader profile I had already into an author one.)
That makes me think: would it be worth my writing a blog post on Goodreads, how to get started and how to use it as a publicity tool?
I do a blog on Goodreads and I link to it on my facebook as well.
I think she means writing an FWG blog post about Goodreads. And yeah, that’d be a good topic. I still have 2 slots left to fill for December, and after that I might close to submissions for a couple months, so I don’t have to ask people to wait so long for their post to show up.
Got it, PT I’ll hash something out.
Thank you very, very much! =:)
I have started up an author page on goodreads. Still trying to figure everything out.
I might have already started an account before I even knew Furtual Horizons was on there. Managed to lay claim to the whole GoodReads Author thing though.
It looks like quite a few folks have already found me, but for those who haven’t, here’s m’ugly mug:
I’ve got a good reads. I keep telling myself I probably need to use it more often.
So since no one has made it yet, I had a screw it moment and made an FWG group on GR >.>
Here’s the link if anyone’s interested:
Husk and I are mods, though I’d at least like one more mod since I’m not as active on GR as I should be.
Munch, when you get a chance, do add a note to the description of the group of who’s maintaining/moderating it, just so there’s no confusion about who’s doing what (since I’m maintaining all the other FWG social media at least for the moment).
(Also, technically it’s the Furry Writers’ Guild instead of writer’s, but that’s nitpicking.)
Oh, will do! And I’ll fix that X3 Thank you!
May we use the FWG foxie as a group icon?
Thank you!
I’m on there as Greyflank Kieffer