I wanted to give an update about the future of our anthology program at FurPlanet.
I have been discussing table sales with the FP team at cons, and have also pulled a lot of sales data going back to 2006 to compare anthology sales to the sales of novels and novellas. This confirmed what a lot of us were thinking, anthology sales don’t come anywhere near the sales of novels/novellas. They’re actually about 1/3 the size.
It’s also getting harder for us to effectively display all our titles on convention tables. We’ve had to start leaving more and more older and slower selling titles behind. Anthrocon this year was particularly challenging as we released 29 new titles, a mix of novels, novellas, anthologies, art books, and comics.
So, we’re going to be scaling back our anthology publishing. We will publish the anthologies we’ve already agreed to which are in the pipeline now so you’ll see a few more from us for the next year or so, but after that we’re going to focus on FANG, ROAR, one Fred Patten per year, CLAW after we see how the first one is received, and will possibly do an additional one if we come across a concept we really love.
That’s still four, possibly five a year. We’d like to free up some time to focus on finding some great novels to publish.
Also, with several new companies in furry publishing world who are also producing anthologies, I think there will still be more than enough publishing opportunities out there.
As always I am open for feedback and questions.