Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Flutt'ring Sails - a production in Oakville, Ontario

My fellow TF writer QUEEN PRUSSIA sent the post below to our mailing list. I know we have a nice share of Canadians here, so the following announcement may be of interested to creative peeps in the Ontario area.

[i]Its a non-profit in Canada that got the nod from Employment Skills
Development Canada
to hire a post secondary
student for the summer.If there happen to be any aboriginal/indigenous
folk on the Furry Writers Guild who want to discretely
get the word out,all power to em.

Backstory would be that my dad was struck and killed by a car in 2012.So when
I read a David Bruser article in the Toronto Star about a Kathleen
MacGinnis from Mitaanjigamiing First Nation ( one of the missing
native women) likely having been
struck and killed by a car in 1978,it struck a nerve.According to the
MMIWG pre-Inquiry held in Ottawa in December 2015 some of the family
members wanted the Inquiry on MMIWG to include the matter of “dual
natured” people.

The project itself is called Fluttering Sails.

Assistant Theatrical Producer
01 jobs
8 weeks
30 hours/week
240 hours total
ESDC approved 11.25/hour wage rate
$351 for workers comp.,payroll costs
job to take place in Oakville,Ontario,Canada
between May 9 2016 to August 27 2016



On 5/7/16, Bill Kieffer aka Greyflank <bloodgames@comcast.net> wrote:


Forgive me for being distracted and not following recently, but is this your

I do not know any site like this, but the Furry Writer’s Guild has many
diverse members and some of them my be able to help or advise. May I post
this there with a little more back story and your email address? Only the
FWG members would see it.

Good Luck,
-Greyflank the typing horse

----- Original Message -----

From: “Queen Prussia” <queenofprussia2006@gmail.com>
To: “TSA-Talk” <tsa-talk@lists.integral.org>
Sent: Friday, May 6, 2016 9:09:28 PM
Subject: Help?

So a non-profit in Canada submitted this
student job description to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Project Title : the play Flutt’ring Sails

Job Title (Mandatory)
Assistant Theatrical Producer

Tasks and Responsibilities (Mandatory)
The student will spend their time in Milton Centre for the Arts,which
has various facilities in it required to produce a theatrical
production to be put on by visually impaired and deaf members of the
community. The student will be expected to liason with various Milton
theatre groups,work on a Canadian disability play to be performed for
Canada’s 150th. The student will do research in the main Milton Public
Library so that the theatrical production has a aboriginal
component.The student will make use of a current Milton Public Library
initiative to record the life memories of selected Milton seniors and
incorporate this material in the play. The student will include
Canadian issues such as Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women and
Girls in the play.

And Prime Minister Justin Trudeau essentially said
" Man that’s cool!Here’s $3,051 to hire a priority student
for 240hours to produce Flutt’ring Sails"

So does anybody know if there are any online
script-writers mentoring sites the student can draw upon
to make the play Flutt’ring Sails better?[/i]