Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Finally arriving at the FWG after far too long

Hello. I’m Lawrence. I’ve been writing SF for a good while now. One of my first credits was in 1990 in the pages of Mythagoras (issues #2 and #3, I think) when I was a professor at New College. I was actually living in the dorms alongside the students back then, and though he never took any of my classes, one of the students I tended to hang around with was Watts Martin. I remember that Watts was trying to get a role-playing game going, based on the Erma Felna storyline from Albedo Anthropomorphics. He invited me to play, and began explaining that to start I had to choose what race I wanted to play, and he listed option. This would have been in 1988 or '89, so my memory of the conversation may be a bit off, but I think it went something like this:

Me: I want to play an elephant.
Watts: Um… that’s not an option. We can probably fake it though…
Me: Right, an elephant. From a planet where there are nothing but islands. And the islands are full of rain forests. And it rains. Every. Day.
Watts: Um…
Me: And the elephant grandmothers on that planet, they have an expression. They say, “So, do you think it will rain today?” And they laugh and laugh and laugh!
Watts: Um…

Or something like that.

Two things about this are worth mentioning. First, we never did play the game. Second, I vowed then and there to start writing a novel about those elephants, and Watts published the first two chapters.

Not long after, my academic career took me away from New College, and I fell out of contact with the students there (including Watts). But I did write the novel. It was chock full of cool ideas, lots of different anthropomorphic races, a drug that let you talk to the dead, themes of intolerance as well as loyalty, and a lot more besides.

Unfortunately, the writing sucked!

Worse still, I didn’t realize how badly the writing sucked!

I spent years trying to sell the book. The good news is that I failed. Eventually, I began to realize how bad it was (that is, cool ideas, bad writing) and I put it away in the proverbial drawer until the day when my skills as a writer were up to the task.

Years passed. I started selling fiction pretty regularly. I wrote and sold dozens of short stories and a couple of novels. I received nominations for some shiny awards. I participated a workshop and, then some years after that, a master class. Things began to make sense. And in the way of a sufi story, an editor appeared and asked me to pitch to him.

We were sitting in a restaurant during the World Science Fiction Convention in Reno, NV. I pitched several novels I had in various stages of completion. He pointed at the one about elephants and said, “that one, I want that one.” Later, I sent him an outline and three sample chapters. Later still, he offered to buy the book.

Which is how I came to write Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard, coming out from Tor Books in late December. And how I come to find myself back to being a Furry Writer (not that elephants – anthropomorphic or otherwise – actually have fur, but that’s one of the points in the novel), which in many ways is where I started.

I’m ignorant of the traditions and customs of the FWG and its members, and I’ll probably put my foot in my mouth at least half a dozen times as I go forward. I ask your kind indulgence and patience, and I hope I can prove myself worthy of both.

Anyway, you’d think I was being paid by the word for this post (what? I’m not?) given the lenght. So, yeah, another thing about me, I tend toward the verbose. And explain everything in terms of stories. The former may be a problem for some of you, but I suspect the latter is something that will fit in quite well here. Thanks.

— Lawrence

That’s every author ever when they start. giggles

Very glad to have you here! Looking forward to it ^.^

I think you now officially have the best intro story on this website!
Welcome aboard!


I remember an exchange about the Albedo Game That Wasn’t which went something like this:

Lawrence: We believe that the only proper way to kill the rabbits from the ILR who’ve invaded our homeland is to pick them up by the ears with our trunks, and smash them against a tree.

Me: Uh, the rabbits are armed with military rifles.

Lawrence, without missing a beat: There’s not many of us left now.

Eh, we’re no strangers to the former, either. :slight_smile: Welcome, and looking forward to reading Barsk!

O.O I’ve heard about this conversation somewhere before! Or there was a Penny Arcade comic akin to it about someone rolling a DnD character… something like that.

Anywho, welcome to the forums! Always great to see more folks so familiar with the older days :smiley: Feel free to leave a line or three in the shoutbox- would be great to chat with you sometime!

Hi and welcome aboard!

No worries about being verbose, I tend to get that way sometimes…unless I’m talking about myself. ;D


Sometimes the let me play a centaur in our D&D games.

Welcome aboard!

Welcome back into the fold! And we don’t care if the animals don’t have fur - if they’re animals, they are furry (even insects). Also congrats on being such a well published author. :smiley:

Lawrence, what do you teach/your degree in?

That’s a fantastic story. I look forward to many more!

Thank you all for the warm welcome.

It’s a pleasure to be here.

Your verbosity is welcome! I hope the journey here will be peaceful and fruitful for you! :3