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Fans Against Fraud email

Beagle put out a scathing rebuttal to Cochran’s claim. Cochran has been punished by the court, his lawsuit at Peter’s lawyer was lost with a $25,000 penalty, and his countersuit at Peter just got thrown out too. Trial is scheduled for January.


One day before Peter Beagle was bringing him to the court, Cochran and Conlan Press filed bankruptcy to get out of going to trial.

Here’s Neil Gaiman posting a notice about people who never got books they paid for.

Things may happen in bankruptcy court now before going back on trial.

Conlan Press lost the lawsuit about http://fansagainstfraud.com and owes a judgement of $32,000. Public records show thousands in penalties were already paid that the court awarded against Conlan for refusing to produce documents. Connor Cochran was dropped by 5 different lawyers and ended up representing himself.

Cochran also had no lawyer at the Beagle vs. Cochran trial. Beagle’s judgement was delayed by Cochran’s efforts to hide in bankruptcy but is scheduled for June. Public documents can be seen by searching case RG15794528: https://publicrecords.alameda.courts.ca.gov/PRS/Case/SearchByCaseNumber