Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Fans Against Fraud email

I’m not the one who ordered it – my husband ordered it as a gift for me. This was years ago. At any rate, a quick search on Amazon suggests that it may finally exist, so I’m bugging my husband to see if he has an old email receipt or something.

I’m not claiming there’s fraud going on. However, based on my personal experience, even a whispered rumor of fraud is enough to make me think that it’s worth being cautious.

Ah kay. I hope you guys are able to get it with the email receipt. That would be pretty awesome, though I wish you didn’t have to wait so long x.x

I guess I’m a bit of a skeptic only because of the time I spent on woot, where constant claims of fraud are made daily only to find that it either had nothing to do with woot, was a misunderstanding on the claimer’s part, or was an easy fix. Add that to the multiple customer service jobs I’ve held over the years where false claims run rampant, and it takes some pretty hard evidence (or at least word from people I know and trust) for me to believe it.

To be continued, thank you.

My significant other actually has quite a bit of history in law. However, to be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t let him touch this case with a ten foot pole if he was bored enough to do so. Once more we go round and round in the circle, asking for solid things we can look into ourselves and getting little more than “Oh, have faith in our word so we can keep our secrets”, refusing to allow us to do any cross-referencing beyond our own community. The mere idea that some of the stories your group has posted of previous victims has been against said victims’ will speaks volumes as to your credit. To use an earlier simile mentioned in the Shoutbox, it sounds like you’re trying to take a few smoking piles of leaves and whip them into a raging wildfire. Thankfully it seems most of the folks in this community are level-headed enough to see through it.

I’m tired of going around in circles with you. I won’t be checking this thread again, and I’ll be certain to make others aware of the circles your group seems to enjoy so much, as well as the twice-over victims. Thank you for your time. Have a good life.

To be continued, thank you.

A more detailed reply from Conlan Press was posted to their website today:


Also, just to be perfectly clear about this in a public way, I’d like to politely request that those on both sides refrain from contacting me privately on this issue from here on out, whether it’s via my personal email or the guild’s. No harm, no foul so far – but from now on, if you have something to say about this matter, please say it in this thread or post it to your own sites.

Peter Beagle has just sued Connor Cochran and Conlan Press for:

Elder Abuse (financial)
Elder Abuse (constructive fraud)
Elder Abuse (intentional infliction of emotional distress)
Elder Abuse (physical)
Defamation (libel)
Defamation (slander)
Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Breach of Contract, Accounting
Constructive Trust, Conversion
Involuntary Dissolution of Corporation
Breach of Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing
Violations of Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code Section 17200

Beagle vs. Cochran can be seen by case search at the court website: RG15794528, https://publicrecords.alameda.courts.ca.gov/PRS/Case/SearchByCaseNumber

We wish Mr. Beagle the best in repairing the harm and reclaiming his intellectual property and legacy.

Some more info posted on Reddit where this story first broke: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/3vu9aw/peter_beagle_is_suing_connor_cochran_conlan_press/ Looks like some people have ordered a copy of the complaint.

We hope what’s been going on is now more clear. This helped to uncover the sham corporation that was made to deprive Mr. Beagle of his work. You can read his $52 million lawsuit from a dropbox link in comments at Reddit. There are other victims and the fight continues.

Connor Cochran and Conlan Press were just sued again for fraud by the Last Unicorn movie tour investors, for misappropriating hundreds of thousands of dollars. The complaint - https://www.dropbox.com/s/4d3a88wja6ieo5x/Sandbox-Complaint-for-Damages.pdf?dl=0

An update on the legal issues:


Thanks for posting the update. This saga has been bloody ridiculous. Hopefully this development clears the way forward for Beagle.

Thanks for noticing the news. There was a lot of disbelief for a long time before things started turning around. There have been even more good legal developments that aren’t yet public but will come out. Meanwhile, see Peter at San Diego Comic Con and check out his novel Summerlong coming in September.

Anyone who has paid for Peter’s works during his lawsuit, please contact his lawyer. They are documenting payments that are currently being used to fight Peter in court. More here: http://fansagainstfraud.com/peter-beagle-contact-lawyer

If you or anyone you know has paid for goods not received, please share Peter’s story, and expect an announcement coming about that. Do contact fansagainstfraud@gmail.com if you would like to lend support ahead of the news.

There are upcoming screenings of The Last Unicorn announced in Pittsburgh for August (date not yet set). They profit Conlan Press and fund legal fight against Peter, and have nothing to do with him. His name is even indirectly promoting it. If you know any sympathetic people in Pittsburgh, please let them know.

Screenings benefiting Conlan Press have recently been protested in Seattle. The story got over a thousand votes on Reddit and gives an idea of what’s coming to Pittsburgh.

Let’s get this out of the way 1st. Audible.com has a copy of The Last Unicorn and you can find a sort of free copy on YouTube.

Now to talk about the real deal, I get a lot of fraud email. For in fact 3 years I got nothing but fake PayPal and Ebay emails. Considering I had no account with either I knew that they were fake right from the start. The whole idea is not to fall for that crap. Just because someone is offering you something that is too good to be true, it is. Meaning it’s fake, and these days a lot of fake emails are either hiding viruses or link you to a site where you can get ransomware. I never believe any unsolicited email, and I am the kind of guy who is also super careful about sites and downloads. Having a furry blog as I do, I have to check out a lot of sites. In my search for old furry publications I have come across a couple of fake AV sites instead.

I live by one rule, if I have no idea who the sender is…it goes in my spam folder.

Also if you come across a site that is offering you something. Check out that site, it is very easy to do. Run it by Google, you will be surprised by the answer.

The real deal and original subject of this thread was about the Last Unicorn if you look at the initial post by PT.

I’ve been in touch with Chris Rickert, who co-owns Rickert and Beagle, the bookstore.

She says Peter is now surrounded by a new team who are working for his best interests and Cochran is being rapidly exited from the picture.

Here is a link to Peter’s legit Facebook page where you can see pics of him at SDCC. He is reportedly doing very well.

That’s excellent; I’m really glad he has his own platform and personal support. Thanks for the Facebook link- it’ll be nice to keep up with his progress.

That is wrong on so many levels.

Apparently Cochran is claiming co-authorship of Beagle’s work now…