Furry Writers' Guild Forum

FangCon 2015

Whose going to FangCon 2015?

Its a newer convention located in Knoxville, Tennessee. Ran by wonderful duo of Keefer aka CutterCat & Dragonis aka Calamity Cougar. Its personally a wonderful convention and for a small con with jammed pack adventure for a good price.So if your in the neighborhood of TN or just wanting to try a new con with a wonderful staff, FangCon is the place to check out. And if your theater buff or major, you’ll enjoy the lovely talent of FurryDramaShow is the ticket for you.

October 29th -November 2nd

Main website —> http://www.fangcon.org/

Nice to see another con doing Writer GoHs. Can’t make it this year, but it’s within driving distance, so I’ll have to keep it on the list of possibilities for future years. :slight_smile:

I hope to be running the (very small) writing track there. Any panels you’d like to see, since you’re a writer?

Ooh, that might be a consideration for me, as I’m in NC…

Theatre as well? Wow, colour me interested o_o;