I didn’t see a topic collecting contact information for those of us who play video games. So, start a list of Steam IDs and all those other gaming contacts?
Do board games count?
Steam: lord_bahumat
I don’t play much multiplayer:
PlanetSide2 as [TWC2]BalusBubalis on Connery
Team Fortress 2 as I Cant Believe Its Not Butthurt
My steam is ayanlu
I play a lot of solo games but am open to playing pretty much anything, such as Armello. :3
I also play a load of board games for those of you who like that sort of thing.
Steam ID: TheRedFoxCamio
Battle.net: Camio#1285
PSN: TheRedFoxCamio
XBox: TheRedFoxCamio
I don’t play much multiplayer either, and don’t play any MMOs right now. Just thought this might be a good place to spread the networking.
SteamID: CaptainWolfy25
I do play multiplayer, though I don’t own or play Cod or BF.
Off Steam I mostly play World of Tanks.
Don’t game much anymore, but I do occasionally.
Steam: base_ic101
Xbox: MTR Mog Moogle
I’m on Steam, League of Legends (EUW) and Smite. I’ll PM info if anyone’s interested.
Xbox: VulpineMadness
Feel free to add me.