22 -26 May (the second May Bank Holiday weekend).
This year there’s a literary theme: ‘Wonderland’!
22 -26 May (the second May Bank Holiday weekend).
This year there’s a literary theme: ‘Wonderland’!
I will most certainly be there!
I’m also running an [adjective][species] furry demographics & sexuality panel on the Sunday afternoon (provisionally pending final draft of the con schedule) should that tickle your fancy.
I keep missing that one - hopefully I’ll be able to catch it this time.
Partly inspired by a thread on the forum, I will be presenting “How To Get Your Story Rejected”, a panel on pet peeves from the perspective of a slushpile diver. Kandrel is running a panel on the pros and cons of publishing with one of the furry publishers v. self-publishing/releasing online, and I think I’m taking part in that too.
Can we get a thread with the summary for those who can’t attend?
I will definitely report back! And maybe work my panel notes into a blog post.
Schedule is up!
I’ll be involved in ‘Publishers and You’ at 4:30pm on Saturday, along with Kandrel, followed by my own panel, ‘How To Get Your Story Rejected’ (partly based on discussions in this very forum!) at 6pm.
Kandrel is also running ‘Art of Erotic Writing’ at 10pm on Friday and something called ‘Burning the Kandrel from Both Ends’ (o.O) at 1pm on Sunday.
At 10pm on Sunday we will be reading extracts from upcoming works in ‘Bedtime Stories’.
We will both be involved in the Flash Fiction competition (Monday 1pm), too: Kandrel is a judge and I’ll be helping read the entries out loud. Always a giggle.
Is step one in this panel “submit your story to Sean in any way”?
If you have any personal bugbears you’d like aired, PM me! That goes for the rest of you lot, too
All of the done!
Giles will be there. I won’t be.
I was going to ask someone to buy a drink for me to him, but he’s lukewarm on the idea.
Instead, if see you an Italian Goat, just say Whinny! And smile and walk away.
It’ll make the shy thing wonder.
I will definitely attend at least one of Jeff Minter’s panels, and I expect the goat will be lurking around those.
Well, that was a blast!
There was at least one writing event every day, from Kandrel’s Writing Erotica panel at 10PM on Friday to the Five Sentence Fiction competition on Monday. I presented ‘How To Get Your Story Rejected’, and will write it up properly in due course.
My favourite part of the con, though, was the ‘Bedtime Stories’ event Kandrel and I ran on Sunday night. Kandrel read his upcoming Heat story and I read my upcoming ROAR story, so the audience got an exclusive teaser. My piece is a comedy, and it was really lovely to get live laughs, as well as interesting to see which bits worked best.
On the FWG members’ front, I spent a fair bit of time hanging out with Kandrel, had a couple of nice chats with leinir, and met Jeeves Roo for the first time. Kandrel and I plugged the FWG heavily, so I hope there will be some new blood incoming.
yay for new blood!
I do! I do!
And I’m really beginning to like Jeff Minter and that makes me happy!