I am in the very last day of opportunity to submit a con panel idea for condition furry in London, held at the end of this month and wanted to throw an idea up in the air to see if anybody has any suggestions or experience with this similar topic. My outline (at the moment) for the programming listing is:
“Where do you get your ideas from?”
-The hardest question for any writer to ask is the one of the most commonly pondered. Join an open-table discussion exploring the different ways in which inspiration strikes and how to bottle that lightening when it does. Bring your questions, opinions, frustrations, and most of all, an open mind.
Be aware that adult writing topics are not the focus of this panel but may be discussed.
I want to look at what sorts of ways a story can first be inspired, how we sort good ideas from bad ones and the process by which we decide what’s good or bad. Or at least that’s some of the guiding subtopics for the panel. I’m more than willing to have the conversation go in other directions.
Any of you seasoned panelists out there have any tips?