This thread will be used to keep track of what topics you would like to talk about (within reason, of course, and they should have some relation to writing/literature). I’ll also keep track, in this main post, of what ideas we have already used as time goes on.
I would prefer that topics that still want to continue after the Coffeehouse chat ends for that evening be moved into a thread (because there’s clearly enough interest in the topic to warrant the interest of others who may not be in attendance).
[color=blue]Suggested and unused topics
[ul][li]Crowdfunding for writers (Kickstarter, Patreon, etc) - what works, what doesn’t[/li]
[li]Writing antagonists[/li]
[li]Your long-term goals as a writer[/li]
[li]Pen names - pros and cons[/li]
[li]Pet peeves as a reader[/li]
[li]Ebooks vs print[/li]
[li]Writing [/li]
[li]Trilogies and series[/li]
[li]Dealing with the inner critic - self-doubt, perfectionism, and other saboteurs[/li]
[li]People who encouraged/discouraged you as a beginning writer[/li][/ul]
[color=Red]Recently used topics
[ul][li]Opening lines[/li]
[li]What is your biggest weakness in your writing? How do you think you can overcome it?[/li]
[li]Worldbuilding - Fine line between painting a picture and telling over showing?[/li]
[li]Character Naming[/li]
[li]Reader pet peeves, and how have they changed?[/li][/ul]