Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Camp NaNoWriMo 2015

Added all above as well as people who bugged me on twitter/Skype:
Slip, Kiri, Squares, NightEyes

Since it sounds like things are filling up quickly – if someone else wants to create a second FWG cabin once the first one’s full, feel free, and I’ll spread the word on the guild Twitter account.

Cabin is full :slight_smile:
Please feel free to create a second and fill that one as well. Then we can have Cabin wars! :smiley:

CecilDFritz hopes to be in on this! All set up and everything! …Please? ;v;

Mando swapped his place with you, so Cecil is in :slight_smile:
Make sure to pay him many thanks with many betas

Hmm, I’d be interested in knowing what is expected of a cabin leader.

Absolutely nothing! (as far as I know)
Just someone has to start the cabin and add people to it.


Alright, I’ve got another private Cabin available for people. Let’s show the first Cabin who can write words on pages! Yeah!

Reply with your name on the Nano site and I’ll go ahead and invite you to it!

I think if I sign up, it’ll be for the minimum, but ye gods is 10k an intimidating number.

It is! But you can do it! Sign up at http://campnanowrimo.org/ and after you’ve set up your camper profile and novel aspirations, give me the user name and I’ll invite you into the warm confines of a digital cabin.

It’s 323 words/day which I won’t say is easy, but it’s a lot better than 1667 words/day which is normal Nano XD

It’s both a respectable goal, plus the advantage of having a cabin of other writers to chat and cheer on.

I’d like to be in the cabin with the AC, please.

Hello! I’d like to be a part of the second cabin, if it’s still available! I’m ‘Miryhis’ on there!

I set my cabin search settings to writers in my genre, which is furry short story…
But I haven’t figured out how to get to the FWG cabins?

I have added Greyflank and Miryhis! The cabin swells!

Yay! Thank you!

The person running the cabin has to send you an invitation. Which you already know, now, but just saying that for anyone else’s benefit who doesn’t know. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Ukeru!

We still have 7 places left for people who are looking to join a cabin for the July 2015 Camp NaNoWriMo experience!